Nigel Beale's Biblio File podcast
Nigel Beale's Biblio File Podcast
David Robinson on copyright, book publishing and fair dealing in Canada

David Robinson on copyright, book publishing and fair dealing in Canada

David Robinson is executive director of the Canadian Association of University Teachers. He has been with CAUT since 1999, when he was first hired as director of communications. Prior to joining CAUT, Robinson was the senior economist with the Canadian Centre for Policy Alternatives, Canada’s leading pro­gressive think-tank. He has also been a lecturer at Simon Fraser University, and Carleton University in Ottawa. He is the author of numerous articles, reviews, and reports on higher education and research policy, vocational education and training, and international trade and investment agreements.

I met with him at his offices in Ottawa to talk about the Canadian government's current review of copyright policy.

Nigel Beale's Biblio File podcast
Nigel Beale's Biblio File Podcast
THE BIBLIO FILE is a leading podcast that examines "the book" and book culture. Hosted by NIGEL BEALE it features wide ranging conversations with writers, poets, book publishers, booksellers, book editors, book collectors, book makers, book scholars, book critics, book designers, book publicists, literary agents and other best practitioners who busy themselves with the world of books.
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